There are times, when I am getting up at some dreadful time in the morning, when I wonder to myself
Why am I doing this? I don't farm for a living. I'm not making loads of money. I can simply go down to the local grocery and pick up any of the goods I need, minus all the work. There is no need to milk, build, clean, muck, feed, or any of the other tasks involved in farming. Many times people have asked us "why?". Why put the extra worry of being home in time to milk, getting hay, dealing with sickness. There was a time this summer when one of our goats got sick. I spent hours every night drenching her because she refused to drink on her own. I assure you, there were times when I asked myself,
Why? I can tell you why, but anyone who has not done it for himself would not understand. There is something satisfying in it, something hard to explain. It is a feeling you can't find elsewhere. You have to put the time in, raising up a baby animal. Building shelter for it, cleaning up after it. And then you finally start to see it produce. It is a joy and a sense of accomplishment that cannot be explained in words. When God first gave man dominion over the animals, I believe he gave us a sense of responsibility, to care for and make useful his Creation. It joys me to see and hear the sights and smells of the farm. To see all the animals lazily resting in the evening after their meal. to watch the antics and behaviors of creatures with not a care in the world. But mostly to know you are doing something. You're providing for yourself your making your own food, soap, etc. That is something only a farmer can experience. Knowing that he has had a hand in the sustaining of himself and others. Is it any wonder our first president said, "I had rather be on my farm than be emperor of the world" Why can we not all have that philosophy. By no means am I proposing we all farm, but can't we all be content to do what we are supposed to; just live a simple life and truly enjoy it? Knowing that we are making a difference in some way. Farming has taught us a lot, about our view on life. On what really matters. It really makes you take a step back and look at the simple enjoyment of watching the excitement of a young child seeing animals up close. Could we all just be so joyed at simple things! So if you ask me "why" I can't really tell you. It is a way of life; a philosophy. Maybe you can take time to really think about it, this thing called life. What really matters and what doesn't, are you really doing what you can to be useful? Are you content to do what you are supposed to? I can tell the animals on the farm are doing exactly what they were created for. They are happy at their lot in life, content to know who they are and what they are doing. God's Creation really does declare His greatness, maybe we should learn a bit more from it.
Nice job Zach! You have learned what a hard days work fills you with accomplishment and pride and blessfullness. It's not always about the paycheck! It's too bad that more people(not just kids) don't get it! God bless you Zach and your family and your little farm!