"I know of no pursuit in which more real and important services can be rendered to any country than by improving its agriculture, its breed of useful animals, and other branches of a husbandman's cares."

- George Washington

Thursday, August 25, 2011

When I die, I want to come back as a cat

Meet Libby, the barn cat.  She's named after the sales lady at TSC who actually talked my husband into taking her.  Believe me that's no easy task; I may need her services some time in the future.  Like all cats, Libby believes that the world exists for her pleasure.  So she can't figure out why we put the tasty little bunny inside a cage where she can't reach her.  She likes to lay in the hay manger and pounce on the goats when they start pulling hay out.  We imagine she feels like a cougar stalking a mountain goat.

Her life isn't all play though.  She does have a couple of jobs besides mouse elimination.  She is the official milk taster - you never know when one of those moody goats will give you a sour batch.  She's also the milking supervisor, sitting on Zachary's leg to make sure he finishes the job.  Libby is real smart, too.  She uses the pig pen as her litter box.  Those stinky pigs root all those holes in the ground, might as well fill them, right?

So the life of our barn cat is pretty good.  Although there were those episodes when I caught Wrangler playing catch with her in the air.  I haven't seen him do that in a while- I think he learned to respect the claws!


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